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Environmentally Friendly Product

Asus Introduces Bamboo Laptop Computers

By Bamboo Grove on November 28, 2008

falseAsus Introduces Bamboo Laptop Computers

We’ve heard about bamboo computer monitors, bamboo computer mice, bamboo keyboards, and other computer peripherals crafted from bamboo but Taiwan-based ASUS, maker of all manner of computer components, has announced laptop computers with bamboo veneers. ASUS’ Bamboo Series features laptop computers with artisan-grade Moso bamboo paneling. Part of their Ultra-Slim line of laptop PCs, these bamboo laptops have bamboo veneer on the back of the display, below the keyboard, and even the touch pad is made from bamboo fibers.

It’s been well-documented that when given the choice, most consumers will choose an environmentally-friendly product if it is equal or superior in quality to less ‘green’ alternatives. It would seem that ASUS’ marketing department understands this very well. Not only is the laptop’s case and touch pad made of renewable bamboo, the laptop is also powered by ASUS’ Super Hybrid Engine which consumes less power and extends battery life by anywhere from 35 to 70 percent.

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